

Mapper2.Routing.route! โ€” Function.
route!(map::Map; meta_prefix = "")

Run pathfinder routing directly on map. Keyword argument meta_prefix allows controlling the prefix of the map.metadata keys generated below.

Records the following metrics into map.metadata:

  • routing_struct_time - Time it took to build the RoutingStruct

  • routing_struct_bytes - Memory allocation to build RoutingStruct

  • routing_passed :: Bool - true if routing passes check_routing, otherwise false.

  • routing_error :: Bool - true if routing experienced a connectivity error.

The following are also included if routing_error == false.

  • routing_time - Time to run routing.

  • routing_bytes - Memory allocation during routing.

  • routing_global_links - The number of global links used in the final routing.


Methods to Extend

routing_channel(ruleset::RuleSet, start, stop, edge::TaskgraphEdge)

Return <:RoutingChannel for edge. Arguments start and stop are return elements for start_vertices and stop_vertices respectively.
