Architecture Constructors

Architecture Constructors

add_port(component, name, class, [number]; metadata = emptymeta())

Add number ports with the given name and class. Ports names will be the provided suffix with bracket-vector notation. If number is not given, the port will be added directly.

For example, the function call add_port(component, "test", "input", 3) should add 3 input ports to component c with names: test[2], test[1], test[0].

If metadata is given, it will be assigned to each instantiated port. If metadata is a vector with length(metadata) == number, than entries of metadata will be sequentially assigned to each instantiated port.

add_child(component, child::Component, name, [number])

Add a deepcopy child component with the given instance name to a component. If number is provided, vectorize instantiation names. Throw error if name is already used as an instance name for a child.

add_link(component, src, dest; metadata = emptymeta(), linkname = "")

Construct a link with the given metadata from the source ports to the destination ports.

Arguments src and dst may of type String, Vector{String}, PortPath, or Vector{PortPath}. If keyword argument linkname is given, the instantiated link will be assigned that name. Otherwise, a unique name for the link will be generated.

An error is raised if:

  • Port classes are incorrect for the direction of the link.
  • Ports in src or dest are already assigned to a link.
  • A link with the given name already exists in c.
build_mux(inputs, outputs; metadata = Dict{String,Any}())

Build a mux with the specified number of inputs and outputs. Inputs and outputs will be named in[0], in[1], … , in[inputs-1] and outputs will be named out[0], out[1], … , out[outputs-1].

If metdata is supplied, the dictionary will be attached to the mux component itself as well as all ports and links in the mux component.


Creating Links at the TopLevel

struct Offset


  • offset

    Offset to add to a source address to reach a destination address

  • source_port

    Name of the source port to start a link at.

  • dest_port

    Name of the destination port to end a link at.


Single rule for connecting ports at the TopLevel

Method List

Offset(offset, source_port, dest_port)

defined at /home/travis/build/hildebrandmw/Mapper2.jl/src/Architecture/Constructors.jl:183.

Offset(A, B, C)

defined at /home/travis/build/hildebrandmw/Mapper2.jl/src/Architecture/Constructors.jl:192.

struct ConnectionRule


  • offsets

    Vector{Offset} - Collection of [Offset] rules to be applied to all source addresses that pass the filtering stage.

  • address_filter

    Function - Filter for source addresses. Default: true

  • source_filter

    Function - Filter for source components. Default: true

  • dest_filter

    Function - Filter for destination components. Default: true


Global connection rule for connecting ports at the TopLevel

Method List

ConnectionRule(offsets, address_filter, source_filter, dest_filter)
ConnectionRule(offsets, address_filter, source_filter, dest_filter)

defined at /home/travis/build/hildebrandmw/Mapper2.jl/src/Architecture/Constructors.jl:198.

ConnectionRule(offsets; address_filter, source_filter, dest_filter)

defined at /home/travis/build/hildebrandmw/Mapper2.jl/src/Architecture/Constructors.jl:220.

connection_rule(toplevel, rule::ConnectionRule; metadata = emptymeta())

Apply rule::ConnectionRule to toplevel. Source addresses will first be filtered by rule.address_filter. Then, for each filtered address, the [Component] at that address will be passed to rule.source_filter.

If the component passes, all elements in rule.offsets will be applied, assuming the component at destination address passes rule.dest_filter. A new link will then be created provided it is safe to do so.

Method List

connection_rule(toplevel, rule; kwargs...)

defined at /home/travis/build/hildebrandmw/Mapper2.jl/src/Architecture/Constructors.jl:246.

connection_rule(toplevel, rule; metadata)

defined at /home/travis/build/hildebrandmw/Mapper2.jl/src/Architecture/Constructors.jl:255.
